Horse Radio Network Features FEI Veterinarian Dr. Mike Tomlinson and International Trainer Kai Handt
Thousand Oaks, CA-August 28, 2013- Horse Radio Network’s once-a-month Para-Equestrian Show featured FEI Veterinarian Dr. Mike Tomlinson and International Trainer Kai Handt Wednesday, August 28, 2013. Lindsay McCall from the USPEA co-hosted the show with Para-Equestrian Ellie Brimmer. Dr. Tomlinson informed the audience about what to expect before and during the trot-up, what each rider needs to know before they enter an international competition, and he even gave listeners an idea of what an FEI Veterinarian’s job is like from outside the arena. Trainer Kai Handt spoke about his experience training Para-Dressage riders, how to seek out support and sponsorship, and he expressed how crucial the correct horse and rider combination can be. To view episode #222

Dr. Mike Tomlinson DVM MBA:
Tomlinson has been an active equestrian since childhood. Every day of his life is greatly influenced by his horses and the horse world. He has been an FEI Official since 1985 and currently is an active FEI Judge (‘O’), FEI Veterinarian (5*), FEI Technical Delegate, and FEI Chief Steward, participating in over 25 FEI events each year on nearly every continent. He is on the Board of Directors of many national, regional and local equestrian organizations and many for-profit corporations and partnerships. Dr. Tomlinson has been the FEI Veterinarian at many International Para-Dressage competitions and he can be found throughout the year traveling to multiple FEI events around the world. When he is not on the road he is at his home in California.
Kai Handt at the 2012 London Paralympics before the trot-up. Handt is pictured with his horse NTEC Richter Scale who was ridden by Para-Dressage rider Jonathan Wentz
Kai Handt: Kai Handt is the owner and head trainer at North Texas Equestrian Center (NTEC). He has been competing and training horses for nearly forty years. A native of Kassel, Germany, Handt’s early training was based on the traditional German system, a systematic and disciplined approach to horse training. He received a rigorous and diverse education in the disciplines of dressage, show jumping and three day eventing while working with such well known masters as Hermann Schridde, Eugen Wahler, and Richard Krause. An avid competitor throughout his adolescent and teen years, Handt was awarded his German bronze, silver, and gold medals before reaching the age of 18. After earning his Bereiter, FN license in 1981, he apprenticed at Nord Hessisches Lands Leistungszentrum fuer den Reitsport under Richard Krause. Handt then spent five years employed at Prestiges Verein fuer Reitsport which was, at the time, one of Germany’s most respected training facilities. Soon after relocating to the United States in 1985, Handt purchased NTEC. Over the last twenty years, he has built North Texas Equestrian Center into a well-respected boarding and training center and has become a leading importer of quality warmbloods for the equestrian disciplines. Handt continues to be active in the show ring, although his competitive pursuits in recent years have been increasingly focused on dressage. Earning his USDF bronze, silver, and gold medals as well as his silver and gold freestyle bars, Handt competes and trains horses at all levels and is the winner of numerous regional championships titles each year. His students are always top contenders for regional championship titles from training level through FEI. He has had USDF/Dover National Merit Award winners in the adult amateur division and currently has junior and young rider students who have competed at the North American Junior and Young Rider Championships, the USEF National Dressage Championships and the USEF Dressage Seat Equitation Medal Finals. Handt was also the sponsor and trainer of Paralympic Equestrian Jonathan Wentz. Wentz competed as a U.S. Team member at the 2010 World Equestrian Games, was the 2011 U.S. Para Equestrian National Champion and was the highest individual ranking U.S. Dressage Rider that competed in London at the Paralympics. Handt continues to work with many Para Dressage athletes helping them to reach their maximum potential.
List of Para-Equestrian Radio Shows:
August 28, 2013- Para-Equestrian Show #222
To view episode #222
July 31, 2013- Para-Equestrian Show #218
Dressage Radio Episode 218 – Developing Para-Dressage Young Riders
June 27, 2013-Para-Equestrian Show #213
Dressage Radio Episode 213 – Para Week Goes Driving
May 24, 2013-Para-Equestrian Show #208
April 4, 2013-Para-Equestrian Show #204
March 27, 2013-To listen to the the first Para-Equestrian show #200:
Once a month the Dressage Radio Show becomes the Para-Equestrian Show Hosted by Lindsay McCall, of the United States Para-Equestrian Association, focusing on  international FEI discipline Para-Dressage. Although Para-Dressage is the main event, listeners have the opportunity to learn more about the skillful U.S. Para-Driving Team, the Para-Reining discipline, Para-Vaulting, and the future of Para-Jumping. The para-equestrian dressage show will feature a line-up of guests including olympians, paralympians, trainers, coaches, professionals, amateur riders, young riders, and equine enthusiasts. The intention of the radio show is to educate, inform, and entertain listeners on the para-equestrian Dressage discipline.
To learn more about the USPEA please visit or e-mail President Hope Hand at You may also e-mail the host of the para-equestrian segment Lindsay McCall at
To learn more about the Horse Radio Network visit or to contact Glenn the Geek go to or leave a voicemail at 270-803-0025.
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