FEI Para-Dressage equestrian Susan Treabess who was also a 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games rider took part in the rider symposium with her own Kamiakin. He is a 2005 PRE Stallion, owned by Susan Treabess in partnership with Katie and Scott Hill of the Netherlands. Treabess commented, “This event was inspirational. As a rider I really felt the camaraderie, the sense of community and the feeling that we are all in this together. All of the trainers that accompanied their riders felt welcome and there was a lot of back and forth between clinician and trainer. It was truly about the riders. In addition, the coach collaboration sessions were exactly what we needed for our U.S. athletes. It was great to have a top-shelf grand prix rider who is competing in Europe (Dennis Callin) and a top-shelf British para-dressage coach (Clive Milkins) training gold medal riders, working together with all of the different grades. There were riders that want to be Paralympians in 10 years and there were riders trying for the World Equestrian Games in 2014. The collaboration between the two was a balance that I could not have imagined. It’s really inspiring! Some of the borrowed horse owners were watching their horses during the symposium and they were blown away with what was being done. If something like this was available when I started six years ago, I would have had a very different impression about para-dressage. When I began this sport, I had to learn all of the information provided over the week, on my own. This was like law school in four days for para-dressage riders. We are fast tracking people but providing them the tools they need to succeed in the correct environment.”
Clive Milkins instructs Ashley Flores-Simmons aboard Verite, owned by Dana Williams. Photo by Lindsay Y McCall
Ashley Flores-Simmons aboard Verite, owned by Dana Williams. Photo by Lindsay Y McCall
For 22 year-old Ashleigh Flores-Simmons of Elk Grove, CA the symposium was beneficial for her and her mount Verite, owned by Dana Williams. Flores-Simmons explained, “Clive and Dennis were great to ride with. Each sees things that the other one may or may not have seen. This was beneficial because I got great feedback on my riding. With Clive we worked on getting the quality to come out of our gaits. We even worked on simple things like my breathing while I was riding. It was really cool because it doesn’t occur to you as a rider to use your breath as a tool but it works. Clive is very knowledgeable and it was nice to have someone like that around to pick his brain. I really enjoyed working with him.”
She continued, “Dennis was good because he pushes me and my horse to see how much we can
Ashley Flores-Simmons aboard Verite at the 2013 U.S. Para-Dressage Symposium. Photo by Lindsay Y McCall
do. Each coach had really valuable things to take away. I am excited for the future and thankful to Dennis, Verite’s owner Dana Williams and Susan (Treabess). I couldn’t have done this clinic without each person. Having someone like Susan there to support and help me is phenomenal. Dana is also supportive and so wiling to give up her horse for me to ride. She is there with me one-hundred percent.
Flores-Simmons is aiming to qualify for the 2014 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games in Normandy, France. Her long-term goal is to represent the U.S.A. at the 2016 Paralympics in Rio.
A new para-dressage equestrian that is on a fast track to a hopeful qualification for the 2014 World Equestrian Games is 26 year-old Cambry Kaylor of Lehi, Utah. Kaylor rode Martinelli, owned by Julie Young, during the symposium due to her horse being unavailable that same week. Kaylor noted, “I was hesitant and nervous coming out, especially since my own horse couldn’t come out. After meeting everyone and being at the clinic I felt completely different, I am really happy I attended and I have learned so much. Everyone was welcoming and the symposium felt like it built camaraderie between athletes. That camaraderie will make the competitive edge within the U.S. better, elevating the U.S. Para-Dressage Team.
Paralyzed 8 years ago, Kaylor, a past top vaulter, is enjoying the high-performance para-dressage
Cambry Taylor on rode Martinelli, owned by Julie Young. Photo by Lindsay Y McCall |
journey. Kaylor came to the symposium wanting to attain tools to take back to her trainer David MacMillan. Kaylor explained, “When you are paralyzed, you have to have trust in your partner. Just by spending that time with Clive, learning the horse’s buttons and what to do to gain the control and trust quickly is crucial.
Kaylor headed back to Utah after the symposium where she is studying to be an Occupational Therapist at the University of Utah, while working with her brand new international para-dressage horse.
“Thank you to Julie Young, my parents, my trainer, and everybody that put the symposium on,” said Kaylor. “I was not able to attend the one in Maine and I was fortunate to attend this one on the west coast with Dennis and Clive.”
U.S. Grand Prix equestrian Dennis Callin was impressed with the symposium he explained, “I thought this event was a very good idea and a well-executed format. I was not sure about working with Clive and it worked out better than I ever thought it could have. We compliment each other really well. I learned from him and hopefully he learned from me. It was easy and fun and we produced a lot of successful moments. The horses were brilliant, the riders learned so much, and we did a lot of hard work without stressing anyone out. It raised the bar for everyone, was educational, and humbling for me. If the able-bodied U.S. Dressage Team does this with Robert Dover, then they will win gold medals.”
Clive Milkins, Great Britain para-dressage gold medal coach, agreed, “I hadn’t realized Dennis was as apprehensive as I was working with a stranger. I am surprised how easily we dovetailed into each other. It could have very easily gone horrible wrong. This was phenomenal and interesting as an auditor, coach, and rider.”
Milkins continued, “With two coaches the riders learned so much and the audience did not get left out. There were times where I could do some work with the rider and Dennis could talk to the audience about his philosophy. We would then swap over and everybody from the outside learned far more than just a lesson. That worked really great.”
Collaborative Coaching: (Left to Right) Clive Milkins, Annie Sweet, and Dennis Callin work together while instructing Annie Sweet’s Para-Dressage rider, Lara Oles. Sweet, Milkins, And Callin worked together and discussed how to use specific training techniques. Photo by Lindsay Y McCall
Milkins, coach of multiple gold medal para-dressage rider Sophie Christansen, has seen the United States Para-Dressage Team over the past years. He believes, “All though there have been some challenges in the past for the U.S. Team I think they are on the right track. The riders must be the center of what we are doing. The rest of us need to push and help the riders in their achievements.”
Susan Treabess agreed, “We have new riders that are going to be future stars. I am really motivated by what we did at this symposium. It makes me happy to have hosted this event and I feel proud to have given the environment to produce this amazing experience. I think a symposium like this is critical to all riders as long as we can reproduce it again and again.”
During the four-day event riders enjoyed the collaborative coaching sessions between Dennis and Clive. Clive Milkins also gave the riders and auditors important educational lectures. Those sessions included talking about three main riding techniques; rhythm, straightness, and shoulders. Those three points were emphasized throughout the week. Milkins also discussed his five stages of training which takes a rider from a beginning para-dressage rider to a high-performance international athlete.
For Nathan Asby of Portland, Oregon, the symposium was his chance to learn about the discipline of para-dressage and showcase his skills in front of both coaches. Asby rode Luke Skywalker, owned by Gundi Younger, during the experience. “I had a great time riding,” exclaimed Asby. “At first I was a little nervous but as I became more relaxed I could concentrate on my riding. I enjoyed working with Clive on my seat and establishing control. I wish he was my regular trainer at home. I want to thank everyone for putting on this symposium. I really enjoyed it.”
Nathan Asby aboard Luke Skywalker, owned by Gundi Younger, gets aid ideas from Clive Milkins. Photo by Lindsay Y McCall
Para-Dressage rider Lara Oles abord her own, Slater. Photo by Lindsay McCall.
This was Lara Oles’ third para-dressage symposium. “The connections and education you make at these symposiums are amazing,” stated Oles. “You get to talk to other people and find out how they have done things in the past, you learn about compensatory aids, you hear how other people found their horses, and you make new friends. We are a community and when you attend a symposium you know it is about the team. I attend these to improve myself but it is also fun to get validated by people that know the sport.”
Lara Oles received rave reviews about her partner American Quarter Horse Slater (AQHA registered name CD Request). Oles is looking forward to continuing her training with Annie Sweet at home in Utah. She is also hoping to qualify for the 2014 World Equestrian Games.
For beginning para-equestrian Emily Sheffield of Utah, the symposium was a chance to jump-start herself as an amateur rider. “I have enjoyed the experience and I have learned a lot about how my riding,” noted Sheffield. “I have learned how to move forward in my riding and the next stepping stone on that path. I enjoyed riding with both coaches and liked their various styles. I thought each had different personalities and unique ways of training, and I loved that. I also enjoyed riding Seth, owned by Jan Oakes. I wanted to thank her for allowing me to ride her adorable yet experienced horse.”
Emily Sheffied aboard Seth owned by Jan Oakes. Photo by Lindsay Y McCall
Pam Hardin aboard George, owned by Debbie Ross. Photo by Lindsay Y McCall |
“I also want to thank the owner of George, who is Debbie Ross,” added rider Pam Hardin of Evans, Georgia. “George was an excellent ride and I could not have done this clinic without Debbie. I was overwhelmed when I first arrived at this symposium and I didn’t know what to expect. I was so blown away by the sport and coaches Clive and Dennis. I look forward to my future within the discipline.”
The 2013 U.S. Para-Equestrian Dressage Symposium West Coast was hosted by Somerset Farm in Winters, CA. Attributions to “Train the Trainer” included
Hanneke Gerritsen 5* ‘O’ Judge 5 * PE technical delegate 3* PE steward.
on behalf of the Carlisle Charitable Foundation is a 501(c)(3).
The event was organized by Carlisle Academy Integrative Equine Therapy & Sports and Sponsored by USPEA & USEF. For more information about Para-Dressage please visit www.USPEA.org. Select riders attended the clinic on behalf of the USPEA and the Carlisle Charitable Foundation.